About DCS
Duncan Christian School is an interdenominational school educating students from preschool to Grade 12. Our school property includes an elementary campus (preschool – Grade 7) and a secondary campus (Grade 8-12).
The DCS experience encompasses faith, community and family with a Christ-centred community focused education while uncovering the God-given talents in everyone. The passions of DCS staff ensure students are provided with extensive support programs, academics, athletic teams, trades and hands-on apprenticeships for those nearing graduation.
It’s preparing youth for life beyond the school’s doors. We know that God created each person unique, and loves us all. We work hard to support all students as they discover their talents and develop those talents so that they can become positive difference-makers in our world.
Mission & Vision
Duncan Christian School aims to be a dynamic community of believers who strive to meet the needs of every child by providing a stimulating and diverse learning environment that encourages students to be disciples of Jesus Christ by:
- Responding to Biblically faithful curriculum and worship
- Teaching Christ-centered social responsibility that develops Christ-like mind and character
- Encouraging positive choices that enhance physical, mental and spiritual health
- Emphasizing environmental stewardship for God’s creation
- Providing service-learning opportunities both locally and abroad
- Celebrating each individual’s unique needs, gifts and potential

Duncan Christian School was established as a Christian learning community in the fall of 1960. The first classes were held in the facilities of the Christian Reformed Church at 930 Trunk Road. Three years later, classes moved to a newly erected school facility on the church property.
The decision to relocate and expand was prayerfully made. Within a matter of days, ground was broken at 5781 Chesterfield Street. The fall of 1980 classes were held at the new location. Building continued for the next two years until the fall of 1982 when we were able to open a new science lab, home economics room and gym, as well as an industrial education shop.
During the years following, thought was often directed toward expanding the program to include secondary instruction. In 1985, five acres adjoining the elementary property was purchased for the high school. In May 1988, the first step toward making this thought a reality was taken.
On January 5, 1990, students first occupied the brand new Duncan Christian Secondary campus. It was an exciting day in our history — a day of thanksgiving and praise. The secondary campus, located at 495 Beech Avenue, is separated from the elementary campus by a parking lot and a playing field.
In January 2009 we celebrated the dedication of the opening of the high school’s new full size gymnasium. This project broke ground in June of 2007. Our new gym allows us to offer our students one of the finest facilities on Vancouver Island.