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Student Resources


MyEducationBC – provides secure access to a single educational record for students no matter where they learn in British Columbia


BC Digital Classroom

Students of DCS have access to a number of resources through the BC Digital Classroom. When accessed from within the school, you should be automatically authenticated with most of these resources. To access these resources from outside the school you will need the login information specific to that resource. Login details can be requested from one of the librarians.

EBSCO Reference Databases – high-quality encyclopedias, current research databases, dictionaries, etc

WorldBook – the same expert information found in The World Book Encyclopedia on a wide variety of topics

GALE Databases Canadian research and information, Science and National Geographic Kids

KnowBC Encyclopedia your go-to source for BC specific research

MyBlueprint post-secondary and occupational planners, resume builders, career explorer, etc

Passport to the Internet Digital Literacy and online safety interactive learning for students